
baby + kid
water wipes

I serendipitously came across WaterWipes while waiting for a prescription.  When I saw that the only two ingredients were 99.9% purified water and a drop of grapefruit seed extract, plus that they carried the…

back to blogging, back to school, back to labeling.

I'm baa-ack.  Sorry for the self-induced one year hiatus… apparently having two kids is a lot of work (thanks, everyone, for the suggestion that having your kids two years apart is a good idea).  But now that school is back in session I suppose I should start doing my homework and pass along all of the…

You may have been wondering where I've been for the last couple of months.  Or, if you were as busy and tired as I was during the holidays, then you probably didn't notice my lack of blog posts or think twice about it.  

No, my disappearance isn't the result of…

If you read my blog regularly, you know that I can't say enough great things about Sweetsation Therapy.  The company offers a large variety of natural and organic face and body care products for the entire family, and every one of them is completely safe for expectant mothers and babies

A play mat and play gym are definitely baby gear necessities: plush mats make hard floors cozy and activity gyms foster hand-eye coordination.  These stylish options

When it comes to dressing up for Halloween, why should humans get to have all the fun?  Let your kiddo's Hazel Village and Blabla Kids plush friends join in on the action

My recent discovery of Kalon Studios has made me seriously wish for a nursery re-do.  As much as I love M's soft-hued and vintage-esque nursery, I am completely obsessed with the Kalon Studios Caravan Crib with its modern design and

To bee or not to bee?  That, is the question.  The answer, unfortunately, is "not".  I really wanted to like the HoneyBee Child SwingEase.  What a great concept: a swing adapter that

best of baby :: toilettries

If you're looking for the best baby products to cleanse, moisturize, brush, suck, or trim, here are my top picks for the medicine cabinet

eco lunchbox

I'm not sure how it happened.  Just yesterday we were bringing M home from the hospital, hearing her first coos, watching her crawl for the first time.  And now, we are sending her off to preschool.  It's definitely hard to let go, to hand the reins over to another caregiver

chair booster

Trying to find a booster chair for our toddler to transition into was tricky for us, since the design of our dining chairs couldn't accommodate many of them.  Enter Kaboost: a booster seat that...

Oh, Ikea.  How I love-hate thee.  Your meatballs might be delicious in a previously-frozen, chemically-altered kind of way, but your particleboard and allen wrenches deplete my soul.  I'm currently feeling the love again thanks to…

room for play

currently m's playroom contains a bookcase and a few baskets of toys.  not that she's complaining, but i thought it might be time to spruce things up a bit… at least for my benefit.  here are my current obsessions in the realm of playroom decor

greener cleaners

Our house has been free of all toxic cleaning products ever since The Environmental Protection Agency released information that the air in our homes is 3 to 7 times more chemically polluted than outdoor air, pollution included.  The average home contains

father's day gift guide
teepee hideaways
color crush :: neon yellow

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